Collection: JM Games' Team

Our team's uniforms are displayed here for anyone to see, our current team members mainly participate in Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokémon tournaments but many of them also have a history of success in other card games such as MTG, DBSCG, Naruto CCG, FoW among others.

Current Roster:

Captain - José C Marzan (Pokémon & Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Amaia Marzan  (Pokémon Jr)

Anthony J Duarte (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Carlos Rodil (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

José Feliciano (Pokémon & Yu-Gi-Oh!)

José Karu Dávila  (Pokémon & Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Juan D Oganes  (Magic & Pokémon)

Michael O Rivera  (Pokémon & Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Roger Dominguez (Yu-Gi-Oh!)